how to jumpstart a dead lithium ion phone battery

How to Jumpstart a Dead Lithium Ion PHONE Battery?

Cell handset batteries ultimately lose their capacity to keep a charge whenever they have depleted to their maximum capacity or have been left for an extended length of time. However, do you know that you can still bring your dead lithium ion battery to life? Don’t toss it away as we will explain on how to jumpstart a dead lithium ion phone battery in this article.

How to Jumpstart a Dead Lithium Ion Phone Battery?

The best method to jumpstart a dead lithium-ion phone battery is to use a specialized external battery charger. These chargers are designed to safely recharge batteries that have deeply discharged. 

All you have to do is to buy a specialized external battery charger, connect your dead Lithium-ion battery and monitor the charging process. Usually, a dead Lithium Ion phone battery tends to get a bit during this process considering it is deeply discharged. However, if you notice the battery is getting too hot to handle, we recommend not to proceed with charging further. 

Once you satisfied with the charging time, you can insert the battery again to the device and check its condition. This is how you should be charging a dead Lithium Ion phone battery. 

How to Know If your Lithium Ion Phone Battery is Dead?

The easiest way to recognize a dead lithium-ion phone battery is when the phone fails to power on even after extended charging periods. In addition, not holding the charge, and excessively getting hot when trying to charge are another two main symptoms of a dead Lithium Ion phone battery. 

How to Test If a Lithium Ion Phone Battery is Dead?

The best method to verify if a Lithium Ion dead or not is to use a different charger and try charge the battery. However, first, you have to make sure that the charger you use to check in working order. 

Other than that, check for visual leakages, swelling, or any other change to the original appearance to the Lithium Ion phone battery.

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